Flourish Divider

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the public




Witch Trials


Flourish Divider
Flourish Divider


Special ​Guests, ​Authors

and Much ​More!

Historic ​Pratt ​Street

Downtown ​Hartford

Flourish Divider


Witch Trials


Flourish Divider
Flourish Divider

The event celebrates them being exonerated in 2023 (which is why this ​wasn’t done prior) - and also honors the “witches” themselves - with ​the utmost respect and due regard. It is also presented to raise further ​awareness of the trials that happened in Connecticut, and the history. ​Connecticut House Joint Resolution 34, RESOLUTION ​CONCERNING CERTAIN WITCHCRAFT CONVICTIONS IN ​COLONIAL CONNECTICUT, was adopted by the House of ​Representatives on May 10, 2023 by a vote of 121 to 30 and was then ​adopted by the Senate by a margin of 33 to 1 on May 25, 2023. This ​bipartisan resolution absolved the innocent victims of the witch trials ​and apologized to their descendants.

Guest Speakers

Catherine Nadal

CATHERINE NADAL is a witch. She is a Reverend ​in Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Church in ​Salem, MA. founded by Italian Strega Rev. Lori ​Bruno. Catherine worked as a psychic medium in ​Salem and has been a certified psychic medium with ​the Forever Family Foundation since 2013. She ​realized her psychic abilities at age nine. Over the ​years, she has collaborated with a number of psychic ​investigators, and explored many haunted locations, ​including ones in Connecticut. Catherine is the ​author of two books, “And She Danced by the Light ​of The Moon” and “Seeing More Than Clouds in ​Your Coffee.” She has been a guest on “Coast to ​Coast with George Noory” and “Signs of Life ​Radio.” In December 2023, she began to host a weekly ​radio show in Tampa, FL called “Bringing the ​Darkness to The Light.” Catherine runs her ​company, “Dream Central Station, LLC” and resides ​in Westchester County, NY.

Dr. Richard Ross

DR. RICHARD S. ROSS III is Professor Emeritus and ​former College Librarian at Trinity College, Hartford, ​CT. His book “Before Salem: Witch Hunting in the ​Connecticut River Valley 1647-1663” was released in 2017 ​by McFarland Publishing. He has a forthcoming book due ​titled "American Body Snatchers Merchandising the ​Dead

in Nineteenth Century New England and Washington ​D.C.” (2024), also from McFarland Publishing. His books ​have reached an international audience of scholars and ​readers. They are held in research and national libraries ​throughout the globe.

The August 10, 2024 talk will be entitled "The Hartford ​Witch Panic 1662-1663."

The August 11, 2024 talk will be entitled "The Witch in ​Old Connecticut: Righting a Troubled Legacy."

Lori Bruno

REV. LORI BRUNO is a Hereditary High Priestess and ​Elder of the Sicilian Strega line of the Craft of the ​Wise, founder and Head Mother of Our Lord and Lady ​of the Trinacrian Rose Church, Inc. The church was ​founded in 1993 and is based in Salem, Massachusetts.

Lori also founded the Sacred Paths Alliance Network ​(SPAN) charitable efforts organization, and the ​Protective Order of Witches and Earth Religions ​(POWER) in 1995 for religious freedoms. When asked ​about the meaning of “Witchcraft,” Lori took the very ​word WITCH and said the following: W is for Wisdom, I ​is for Integrity, T is for Truth, C is for Courage and H is ​for Honor. Lori was taught that Priests and Priestess ​should respect humanity, all living creatures, and above ​all, one’s self as the Goddess and God abide within. In ​1996, Governor Michael Dukakis presented Lori with an ​award for the “Protection of the Children of the ​Commonwealth,” which hangs proudly next to her at her ​shop, Magika. Lori is world renowned, loved by many, and ​respected throughout her community. To Craft members ​and non-Crafters, she is affectionately known as “Strega ​Nona” or “Grandmother Witch.”

Guest Speakers


Rande Goodwin

F.R. RIVERS is a Connecticut author whose books ​to date have not directly dealt with witchcraft, but ​his third book will. It a deep dive into the world of ​witchcraft/occult with an unlikely heroine.

“The Gathering III” will look into the occult, ​specifically witchcraft history. The book idea ​requires him to study the origins of witchcraft and ​the many forms that it can take. As most of you ​know, witchcraft or mediums as they were called, ​were mentioned in the bible. However, it is the ​author’s belief that witches, mediums, sorceresses, ​fortune tellers etc., have a far deeper history than ​biblical times or during the times of the witch trials. ​It is his hope to share his opinions with you through ​his presentation and a preview of his latest book.

RANDE GOODWIN is also a Connecticut author who ​was ecstatic to hear about this festival. His book, “The ​Witchfinder’s Serpent,” builds upon the early CT witch ​trials.

It’s primarily a modern-day YA fantasy that builds upon ​the CT witch trial history. Although it is about magical ​witches, it was important to the author to treat the ​witch trial victims with utmost respect and to help spread ​word of their plight.

Eperience the Hampden County Hexenbruts dance ​troupe from Western MA - inspired by the lovely ​ladies from Wolfshäger Hexenbrut, a German dance ​troupe that performs every year at Walpurgis in ​German.

This group performs and supports other troupes ​around New England throughout the year to raise ​funds for local charities and non-profits, ​participates in community events & activities, and ​gathers

together for fun and frivolity.

They perform such songs as Schuttel Deinen Speck by ​Peter Fox, Diese Kalte Nacht by Faun, and one with ​their own choreography, called Witches in Bikinis by ​Witches in Bikinis (all songs can be purchased on ​Amazon Music or Spotify).

Festival performance times are 11:30al, 1:30pm, and ​4pm.

With Respect

Presented by the Producers of

CT ParaConn and

the Salem Paranormal Horror Convention.

.Info: (203) 795-4737

email CTWitchTrialsFest@gmail.com